
Physical Health
A Community Health Centre (CHC) is a place where you can get free health care and social services.
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Canada's two official languages are French and English, and residents should try to learn both if possible.
Universities, Colleges and More
Universities focus on academic and professional programs, whereas colleges specialize in career training and trades programs.
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Islamophobia is the discrimination, exclusion, and violence against people who are believed to be Muslim.
Job Readiness
In addition to resumes and cover letters, portfolios can be used to show why you’re the perfect candidate for a program or job.
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Housing co-ops are democratic communities where there’s no landlord. Every resident is a member of the co-op and gets a say in how it's run.
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Community gardens are plots of land that people share to grow fresh fruits and vegetables and spend quality time together.
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Personal Finance
Learn how to avoid being the victim of a scheme that puts you and your finances at risk.
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Extracurricular activities are a great way to have some fun and make new friends!
Sexual Health
It can be terrifying to find out you’re pregnant when you’re young. Consider all your options and make a decision that’s best for you.
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Do you see things in our society that you would like to change? Do wonder how you can make change happen? Try joining an advocacy group!
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Canada has three levels of government: federal, provincial, and municipal. Each level has its own unique set of responsibilities.