
Everyone in Ontario has to go to school, at least until the age of 18. Higher education, like college and university, can create new opportunities for graduates, and more education often means better paying jobs.

School Resources

Universities, Colleges and More
In Ontario, students interested in going to college use a centralized application service to apply for admission.
High School
To graduate from high school in Ontario, every student in Grade 10 must pass an English literacy test or course.
High School
The EQAO tests were developed to make sure that students in Ontario are getting high quality education through the public school system. 
Universities, Colleges and More, Sexual Health
Being a student and a parent at the same time can be a challenge, especially when you're dealing with an unexpected pregnancy.
High School
To graduate, all Ontario high school students must volunteer in their community. Volunteering helps you build skills and gain experience.
Pay for Post-secondary School
School can be very expensive. Aside from loans, there are ways to fund your education without having to pay the money back!
More Resources
Extracurricular activities are a great way to have some fun and make new friends!
High School
To graduate, all Ontario high school students must take many courses. When you pass a course, you earn credits.
High School
To obtain the Ontario Secondary School Diploma, students must earn 30 credits, pass the OSSLT, and do 40 hours of community service.
More Resources
Melius Mentorship offers free services and resources to youth (aged 15-24) in Canada, helping them navigate post-secondary education.
Universities, Colleges and More
In Ontario, students interested in going to university use a centralized application service to apply for admission.
Universities, Colleges and More
Schools in Ontario, like Queen’s University, offer first-generation students grants to help them pay for university or college.