Jobs & Events

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Latest Jobs & Events

The first 15 week cohort from July 10th-Oct 23rd will offer clients pre-employment skills training, career goal setting and CBT workshops!
Meet with hiring companies, recruiters, educational institutes, settlement service providers and more, all in one place for free!
Polycultural Immigrant and Community Services is offering free virtual workshops for newcomer youth ages 13-18.
Writers and/or spoken-word artists between 16-27 years of age can apply to be Toronto’s first literary ambassador for youth.
UofT Leading Social Justice Collective Fellows are requesting refugee youth to participate in survey
Register for the Ontario Equine Education and Employment Program!
For international students and newcomer youth in downtown Toronto (ages 18 - 30)
TPE is a FREE College program for adults aged 19+ who faced barriers to further education as a result of mental health or addiction issues
Are you a student or recent graduate interested in growing your career in an environmental field? Attend this job fair!
Indus Community Services is hosting a free webinar to help you prepare for the upcoming tax season!
Ontario Parks is now hiring students 15 years of age and up for Park Ranger summer positions at provincial parks across Ontario.
Join Deloitte and Achev in an insightful panel discussion and networking session for students across all levels.