Project Youth Energy: Reigniting school, skills and futures!

Start Date
Did you struggle with virtual school and lockdowns? Are you out of school, not working, and unsure of your future? PYE can help!

Project Youth Energy (PYE) is a free program that aims to help young people ages 15-25 struggling post-pandemic who could use some help getting back on track with their education or finding a job. They offer free, personalized mentorship opportunities, skills training, help with finding first employment and advice for getting back into school or starting a new program.


  • Youth ages 15-25 
  • Living in Ontario

To learn more about Project Youth Energy, attend their drop-in event on Thursday November 9th at Newmarket Youth Centre/Skate Park (56 Charles St. Newmarket) between 7-9pm.

You can also learn more by visiting their website

Connect with them by filling out this Google form and someone from their team will get back to you shortly. Alternatively, you can text them at (905) 580-7821


Project Youth Energy Logo