Come work with our team at OCASI to develop your own digital story, share your experience as a newcomer youth, and inform the development of content on
To apply, please fill out this short questionnaire by September 22nd.
The Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants (OCASI) is running several projects with the goal of supporting immigrant and refugee-serving organizations to provide stronger programming and services to newcomer youth. Our Youth Advisory Group (YAG) will ensure that our programming considers the perspectives of newcomer youth and the realities for newcomer youth-serving organizations.
This is an exciting paid opportunity for newcomer youth, and we are currently seeking individuals who fit the following criteria:
- Lived experience as a newcomer youth
- Has settled in Canada in the last five years
- Is between the ages of 16 - 30
- Participants who identify as newcomer youth AND who are not currently employed in the settlement sector will receive honorariums for attending meetings and be financially compensated for other YAG activities and projects they participate in.
The Youth Advisory Group will focus on two key areas:
- Content Creation for information and settlement resources on
- Digital Stories that feature personal and firsthand experiences of newcomer youth
All entries must be in by September 22.