Muslim Youth Fellowship Program 2021-2022 Cohort Application

Start Date
End Date
The Muslim Youth Fellowship (MYF) is a paid professional and leadership development program that will run from September to December 2021.

The Muslim Youth Fellowship (MYF) is a professional and leadership development program which provides highly motivated, passionate and hard-working young people with the opportunity to be part of political and decicion-making processes and become part of the next generation of public servants.

Through applied, hands-on experience, the program will provide fellows with the practical tools required to understand and navigate the political process.

Fellows complete 12-week placements with members of Toronto City Council, serving Toronto's diverse communities through duties such as case work, event planning, communications, and administrative support.

These positions are paid and part-time, directly with the City.

Before and during their placements, fellows undergo extensive training, through monthly, day-long workshops on topics ranging from advocacy and campaigning to effective networking and building meaningful professional relationships. Fellows also benefit from one one-on-one mentorship and support in personal and professional development. Lastly, they team up to design and lead a project which tangibly address outstanding social or education needs that they see within their community, allowing them to have a lasting impact through their work.

Who is the ideal applicant?

The ideal applicants are individuals who are eager to build their political literacy, deepen their understanding of municipal governance, have a desire to benefit their communities, and develop strong leadership skills that will hopefully place them in prominent decision-making roles in the future. 


The paid MYF placements will run from September to December 2021. Placements will be part-time and 8-12 hours/ week for 12 weeks. Prior to the placements, and from August to mid-September, we will be hosting a series of pre-internship training workshops that will take place on weekends, 1-2 weekend days in a month. Attendance at training sessions is mandatory. Program timeline: August- December.


There are three parts to the application:

  • Personal Information
  • Short-Answer Questions
  • Supporting Documentation

Please prepare the following documents in advance and in PDF format before starting the application process in order to make things easier for you:

  1. Resume
  2. Cover Letter: please describe to us your skills and experience, your interests, and what you hope to get out of the fellowship/expectations (1-page maximum)
  3. Three professional references, including one from any political work or volunteering: please provide the full name, professional/job title, their relationship to applicant, email, and a phone number.